Open cloud solution vs silo-solution. Part 2 (3)

Technical solution The technical solution is built on an internal network onboard the vehicle, connecting all systems through standard network cables, to a vehicle gateway. The gateway and the ITxPT compliant software of the vehicle connection platform, solve communication issues, share information between the systems and connect the vehicle network to the cloud. The cloud […]

Open cloud solution vs silo solution part 1 (3)

Overview Both public transport operators- and authorities often suffer from low flexibility and vendor lock-in effects due to powerful monolith suppliers who shut out competition, making investment- and maintenance costs skyrocket. When purchasing one single system, it might be OK, and even seem rational with a silo solution, to get a fast and easy off-the-shelf […]

Feedback to driver by sound, lights or screen can give a remarkably different Ecodriving result

This study is produced for IHM Business School (Jacob Rudin) and the aim of the study was to compare the results of using different methods of feedback to the driver on his/her driver behavior. The methodology used was interviews with drivers during a 2 weeks period. The results of the study are published below. The two […]